Tips for getting people to commit to
staying on the committee
- Tap
into the reasons why they volunteered – personal growth, meet friends etc – ask
them why they joined and what they would like to get from helping and make sure
they get to do things that will support that.
- Make
it fun
- Show
appreciation – say thank you, early and often
- Supporting
ideas – “that’s a good idea” – let their ideas come to fruition
- “We’re
all in it together” working as a team is
easier than doing things on your own
- “You’re
really good at that” - use peoples talents – not just their time.
- “How
did that go for you?” – check in with people to see how they are doing and make sure their needs are being met. Personal contact lets them know you care
about them and it catches potential problems before they come an issue.
- “We
did it” – when things go right share your successes with all the helpers. A shared sense of accomplishment can be a
powerful motivator.
- Give
responsibility to others – share it around
- Talk
about other things not just business
- Having
a Facebook page – so if people can’t come they can catch up on what is
- Try
new ideas – if they don’t work it doesn’t matter.